Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Halloween 2018

Halloween was different and busy and fun this year. If you know me or have read my blog over the years, you know I am not a huge fan of halloween, but I do try to make sure the kids have fun. 

Here's a low down of our halloween season....

Bodie was not amused with pumpkins in the house. His face says so much..haha!

Daddy is always willing to help!

Her original idea for her pumpkin didn't work, so she got to have fun with power tools to do something different. :) 
Evelyn's pumpkin got yucky quickly so I didn't get a photo of it, but here is Matthew's! :) 

Evelyn didn't want to wear a costume to school but she surprised me by wearing the halloween clip my friend Holly made her when she was almost two! It was so fun to see it and it brought back lots of fun memories for me, as she wore this clip to the pumpkin patch every year for years!!

I helped with Matthew's class' halloween party. 

The third grade teachers were "rock, paper and scissors". Mrs Serrao was scissors. So cute!

Our church had a harvest party this year ON halloween and Evelyn and some other girls in youth group decorated an office and handed out candy to kids who came thru to trick or treat. Her and her best friend Juliet were fruit... and their costumes turned out so cute!
My favorite strawberry and Duck fan!

The girls had a hawaiian theme. This photo doesn't show all the decor.. but it turned out really cute!
Friends since birth!

Matthew's buddy Owen came with us to the Harvest Party and he and Matthew had a fun time!
The fun continued when we got back home and the boys went trick or treating for almost 2 hours. Crazy kids!
Sorting his loot... SO much candy!
Since his sister didn't go trick or treating, he willingly split his candy with Evelyn which was super thoughtful. 

Another halloween in the books... a fun time for my kiddos for sure!

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Red Berry Barn

Since our beloved Baggenstoes Farm closed last year, we needed to find a new pumpkin patch. I really hoped to find one on our side of town that offered a similar simple but fun experience as Baggenstoes did. After lots of searching and asking around, there were very few choices. We settle for the Red Berry Barn, right outside Sherwood. 

This place was geared towards the littler kid crowd, but our kids still found things to do that they enjoyed. We probably won't go back, but we still had a fun time. 

He makes most adventures fun!
Apparently this place is known for their pumpkin donuts. So of course, we had to try them. They certainly did not disappoint! So yummy!!

There was a corn maze, but it was quite a lot of money, so we asked the kids if they'd be okay going by themselves. (We had heard it was a pretty simple maze). They both were excited to go on their own.. and off they went!
They did it!! :) It didn't take them very long and they said it wasn't as good as Baggenstoes (theirs was HUGE) but they also said they had a fun time. 
My three favorites....
Love her...
If you only knew how long it took and how much fussing was involved in getting this photo....

Yep.. we certainly don't have it all together, but together we have it all!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Fall Photos 2018

I have done a photo shoot with the kids each fall since they were babies. Last year, after a couple of failed attempts due to lack of enthusiasm, I gave up on it. This year I was more prepared with bribery (ha) and other incentives, and overall it went well. 

Here are some of the out takes. I have silly kids... who each other and love their cat. 

And my favorites from the day... 

Goodness, I love them!!

Happy Fall, Y'all!