Saturday, May 11, 2024

Prom 2024

Prom 2024

It was such a fun night for Evelyn, and such a fun night for me to hang out with the sweetest kids and their moms while they got ready.

Here are some random shots from the evening..

Juliet, Evelyn's friend since birth, came with Evelyn as she is homeschooled and wanted to go to a prom. Super fun to have her along. 
Walking up to the lake to get pics

Besties since 1st grade! :) 

The three amigos... love them so much!


The kids went to McMenamins for dinner. I gave them the "mom talk" before leaving them. Their server and nearby tables told us later that they were lovely to have there and were a fun group!

Love this crew and so thankful for these faces. They all had a super fun night!!

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Jazz Festival

Matthew has been interested in bass guitar for some time and so after looking around we bought him a used one for him to try. He took to it immediately and has taught himself to play. He then joined the after school jazz band and has been doing that two days a week for this past school year. 

The jazz band was entered in the Mt. Hood Jazz Fesitval, a well known event here in town, and the kids worked so hard to prepare. 

Today was the day the performed. And oh, boy did they bring it!

They had professional musicians listening to and then critiquing the performances. The kids did so well and got high praise. Matthew played amazing and we are do proud of him!

Just a few pics... Matthew was hiding in the back behind a music stand so is hard to see, but he was there and was heard.. haha!!


Sunday, March 31, 2024


 March Happenings!!

Evelyn and other high schoolers from church went on a service trip for spring break. They did lots of different things and learned a lot.

While Evelyn was away, Doug and Matthew did some "boy things" like going to a cool arcade for the afternoon one day. 

Evelyn returned at the end of spring break. She was tired but had a really great time with some great kids!

We hosted Easter again this year and it was lovely. Here are some cousin pics... love these faces so much!

Thursday, February 29, 2024


February went by quick!! Here's a snipit of things that happened this month...

Matthew and his sweet friend Hadley at the 8th grade dance. Aren't they the cutest?

Our church held an event at Defy and Matthew brought his friends Jake and Aiden from school. They had the best time!

Love this pic of my girl and her guitar...

College visit to Western Oregon with friend Amy

 And this. Time for this girl to get a shiny new hip. Surgery is still pending and I am excited to not be in pain anymore!

That's a wrap on February!

Saturday, January 20, 2024


We finally got a significant amount of snow and ice the past couple of days! The kids enjoyed a full week off of school and we enjoyed snuggling in at home and playing outside. The wind and freezing rain sadly brought several trees down in our neighborhood and the city, but we are do fortuate that we never lost power and our home was unaffected. 

(this is how Bodie enjoyed the snow...haha)

It was a fun week, and we also look forward to things thawing out soon!!

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Honor Band

Matthew was one of six students selected to represent Highland in the Beaverton School District Honor Band! Tonight was his concert. It has been a lot of hard work and a lot of fun...and I am so proud of all of these kids. They sounded amazing... especially our favorite trombone player!