Last night Evelyn made the biggest decision she will ever make in her life.
She made the decision to have Jesus live in her heart.
For a while now, Doug and I both have been struck by the things she prays at bedtime. Things unprompted, things very insightful for a 4 year old. While she is too immature to fully understand the gift of salvation (and really, do any of us fully understand it?), she gets that Jesus died on the cross to save her from her sins and rose again to be with God forever. She puts faith in God's word, reciting it often in normal conversation, and sometimes pulls ideas from Bible stories that are just plain amazing. Doug and I both, separately, have been wondering if she was ready to ask Jesus into her heart.
Evelyn picks three stories out of her Bible each night for us to read. Last night she wanted to read the stories of the 10 commandments, Jesus' birth, and Jesus walking on water. She is always thoughtful about what she picks.. and Doug thought her selection last night was interesting, telling even. After reading, she prayed. Part of her prayer was:
"Jesus, thank you that you can walk on ANYTHING!"
After praying Doug, who is
so good about talking to her about faith things on her level, asked her about her prayer and what that meant. He talked to her about salvation. He asked her some key questions, and when he asked if she wanted Jesus in her heart, she said "YES!" with a huge smile on her face. Then Doug prayed the sweetest prayer with Evelyn repeating after him. The Kingdom welcomed another precious one.
It was one of the sweetest moments ever. Both Doug and I were in tears... happy tears.
"If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved."
Romans 10:9-10
We love you, Evie Joy and know that God has great plans for your life!!