Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Shell, Mo, Trains, and Voodoo

My sister and Chris came over from Idaho New Year's weekend to hang with us and watch the Rose Bowl. One of the fun things we did was head downtown on MAX to Voodoo Doughnut. For those of you not familiar, its a very funky shop that has crazy flavors of treats. It was Matthew's first ride on the train, which made it even more exciting!

Daddy and the kids heading down to the platform!

Love my big sis!

Chris (Mo) trying to calm Matthew's fears of the noisy incoming train! Poor thing was pretty scared!

Evelyn LOVED the ride.. can ya tell?

Me and my sweet boy!

Poor buddy was truly so scared in the tunnel! He clung to daddy and cried a few times. Hopefully next time it will be more fun for him! :(

Evelyn thought the tunnel was cool.. as was sitting with her cool aunt Michelle and "Mr. Chris".

Taking it all in!

The whole reason for the trip!! Voodoo!

As always, there was a line. We had to wait about 40 minutes (no kidding!) in line but made the best of it!

Group shot!

Evie and Chris.. one of my favorite pics of the day!

Me and the kids trying to decide what kind to get!

The choices were endless!!

Aunt "Shhhhell" loving on her nephew!

A feeble attempt to get a family shot (can you find the 2 year old who was having a meltdown? haha)

In the end, it was SO worth the wait!!

A fun morning indeed!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


It can be super difficult to get a picture of Evelyn showing her true, beautiful smile. She is just at an age where she does the "cheese-o" grin, as I call it, when I want to take a picture. The best way to get that pretty smile of hers on film is to not have her pose, but just try to capture it when I can. I happen to get several of these "natural" shots recently.

My pretty girl... naturally!

And then.. there's this!

Gosh I love this silly, pretty girl!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Carousel

My mom and her husband found this Christmas carousel on sale before Christmas. It lights up and plays a fun melody. I don't think they had ANY idea what a hit it would be with both my kids, especially the boy! It kept him occupied for at least an hour when we were over there on New Years day. I'll just let the pics do the talking!

And my two favorites...

I am sure he will be equally excited when it comes out again next Christmas!!