Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter 2017

Hallelujah! He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Once again we hosted Easter this year, once again we had an amazing time, and once again I didn't get as many photos as I would have liked.. because we were having so much enjoying each other's company. It was a lovely day with family.

Matthew actually took these photos of the "grown up" table and the "kids" table. Pretty good for a 7 year old!
My friend Katie texted me and asked how I was doing... since I hadn't been feeling great and there was a lot to do to prepare. This was my response...haha!! 

After we ate the kids went outside for their traditional cousin egg hunt.

Lily didn't want to smile for me. She laughed pretty good when I showed this to her ,tho! 

 Evelyn made a map of our backyard to hide eggs in all the perfect spots!

Sorting their loot!

The tradition is that the older cousins hide eggs for the younger ones, then the younger cousins hide eggs for the big ones. The big cousins were troopers and did their best to put on a happy face while looking for them....haha!

Happy Easter from the crazy Morris crew!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Baseball Begins!

Matthew had his first baseball game today!! After playing with church friends on a Westview Little League team the past 2 years, we moved him over to Murrayhill Little League so he could start playing with friends from school. He also moved up from coach pitch to Farm League.. a big step.

You can see that it was pouring during team photos, but it stopped and we got the game in!

He's ready!
Pre-game pep talk from coach Jordy, who I actually went to high school with! His son Brandon is at Fir Grove with Matthew.
All winter long, Matthew has talked about wanting to play catcher. Well, today he got to play catcher, and boy was he thrilled!!

He looked good out there, even if we do need to work more on his catching skills! :)

Team huddle after the game. (Doug is an assistant coach again this year). They played pretty well for their first game. Looking forward to a season of learning, meeting new friends, and  fun for my boy!