Friday, November 28, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree 2014

Knowing that I would be starting my cancer treatment right after Christmas, we wanted to get our tree as soon as possible as to enjoy it as long as possible. We usually go the Friday or Saturday after Thanksgiving, but sometime push it out a bit if the weather isn't great, but not this year. So, we set on on a rainy morning to head out to Baggenstoes Farm and have fun getting our tree despite the weather! It was a relatively short trip but we had a great time!

Ready to head out!

"Look, mom, a Charlie Brown tree!"
We found our tree pretty quickly
.. and found our across the street neighbors the Neubauers, too!
Rain or shine, there is always fun in running outside!

We got home, dried off and began the Christmas decorating!

My two favorite elves!

Every year they help more and more and really do a great job!
My sweets....
Happy to be done!

After a quick dinner we got the kids ready for bed and into their Christmas jammies and headed downstairs for popcorn and the first Christmas movie of the season. The kids picked Rudolph!
Yay for Christmastime!
I love our tree....

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

We once again did a "two stop" Thanksgiving and thoroughly enjoyed our day celebrating with both sides of the family!

I started the morning by taking the kids with me for a walk. They really weren't excited about it at first, but when I told them they could stay in their pj's they were all for it! HA!

It was a lovely morning for a walk indeed!

First stop, Doug's aunt Mary, who always works hard to make today special!

All the Morris cousins... Ages almost 3 to almost 16!
Pretty baby girl....
Mr. Handsome Pants
This peanut. She is a firecracker but man, I love her!
Matthew and Lilly dancing..they both had fun and it was so cute!
Pie!! My mother-in-law always makes small birthday pies for Evelyn, Matthew and Lilly who all have birthdays next month. It's a highlight for sure!

...and he usually eats his like this! Silly boy!

After a lovely time at Mary's, we headed over to my mom's for another fun time with family.
Aunt LoLo loves her Matty!
Da boys. I am thankful for the way Cole loves on and takes Matthew under his wing. He is a special young man!
Evelyn and Regan
This words for how much I love him!
A feeble attempt to get a cousin shot. Not too bad for tired kiddos!

This year more than ever we are acutely aware of how much we have to be thankful for. In want or in plenty, we are blessed beyond measure. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Rain Puddle Fun

Oh my how the rain came today today! The storm drain across the street gets clogged easily and today the water was building up quick and our street at times looked like a river. The kids begged to go play in the big puddle and I really had to reason to say no. So they got booted up and off they went!

Deep water!

These pics don't do the puddle justice. Trust me, it was big and deep! The kids had a great time playing and were completely soaked when they came in. Happy, but soaked!!

.... and I am quite sure this won't be the last time this big puddle appears to bring on more fun!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thanksgiving Feast

Matthew had his Thanksgiving Feast at preschool today. They have been learning about the pilgrams and indians, etc and he has been excited for this day for weeks! Since I thought I was going to be in isolation this week I was so excited to be able to go and celebrate with our little pilgram!

Matthew and his "fwend" Bella
Gosh I love him!
Little Miss Maleah looking adorable!
Waiting patiently for the "feast" (which, if you must know, was popcorn, goldfish, oranges and apple cider). Those folded hands..... they get me every time!
It was a fun morning and we both were glad to be together!

Friday, November 14, 2014

The "Night Avengers"

Doug had to work late tonight so after dinner the kids and I went for a walk. They were SUPER excited to grab their flashlights and go "exploring". They decided they were going to call themselves the "Night Avengers" and protect the neighborhood. I love their silliness and creativity!

And indeed, all was safe in the 'hood! A fun way to end the evening!