Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Helmet Update #3, then We're Off!

(For those who have stumbled onto my blog and/or don't know the story... here's a quick rundown. Evelyn has prefered to sleep on her left side since birth, maybe even in-utero. We have tried unsuccessfully to change her ways. Therefore she has mangaged to mishape her head so much that we have to have her in a corrective helmet to get back symetrical.)

Evelyn had her visit with the Orthotist today, and again we have made amazing progress with reshaping her pretty little head! All of the measurements of asymetry decreased by at least half of what they were before. Praise God! Randall (the helmet guy) said that even he was surprised and happy with her results and is thinking she might even get her helmet off earlier than we had originally thought! Yeah!! Of course, he made no promises... but we can always hope!

Tomorrow we head off for our first real vacation with Evelyn. We are heading to Phoenix for Doug's cousin Jason's wedding, then off to Marble Falls, Texas to visit some friends. Wouldn't you know it, Evelyn has a cold and isn't feeling too great, but we are hopeful she will turn a corner and enjoy a fun adventure with us. We have no idea what to expect from her on the plane. We're just gonna go with the flow!

On another exciting note.. Evelyn started clapping today all by herself! It is so cute! She also got her "big girl" car seat. She is in the 95th percentile in height and has outgrown her infant seat in the length. Of course, she is only in the 25th percentile in weight. She's gonna be tall and skinny like her daddy (insert angels singing here)!! I love her to bits and then some.

I really need to go finish packing.... but not before leaving you with a picture!

Stephanie out...

1 comment:

Jenni Clayville said...

I hope you have SO much fun!!!