Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

When I was about 18 months old my mom picked my up from my crib and noticed both of my eyes were crossed and not focusing. That was the beginning of my vision "issues". I was diagnosed with strabismus and ambyopia.  My left eye improved dramatically with glasses, my right eye did not. In the next 10 years  I had several surgeries to attempt to fix the issues to no avail, and have had to wear corrective lenses ever since. I got my first pair of glasses when I was 22 months old. I switched over to contacts when I was 15. They just are a part of life for me.

I have wondered and even asked my pediatrician about the chances of my kids having problems with their vision. Doug's dad and brother also have some pretty hefty vision problems, so that combined with mine could very well be passed on. Dr.  Nilsen has just said to watch and see. So we have.

About a month ago, we noticed Matthew's left eye turning in when he would try to focus. I just tried to ignore it at first hoping it would go away, but knowing deep down that it probably would not. So we took some trips to Dr. Nilsen and to the opthatmologist. Thankfully his vision itself is very good, but it was determined that indeed, Matthew has similar issues as I do, strabismus and far-sightedness.
He needs glasses.

The doctor was optimistic that Matthew could eventually outgrow his need for corrective lenses, even before his teenage years. But for now, this is what would be best for him.

As we drove home from the opthamologists office, I just couldn't stop crying. My boy, my active boy... now has to deal with glasses when doing things. He already struggles with his speech and is working so hard on his articulation... this is just one more thing. I really was just in a puddle.

BUT... as quickly as entered into my pity party, I tried to snapped out of it. I have a very healthy, adorable, thoughtful, loving son who will do as well with his vision issues as I do, really.  I want to be strong for him, be excited with him over something that will help him see better. He will respond better to that than seeing me cry. Even tho I want to!

We got his glasses this morning and Oh. My. Goodness... just when I thought he could NOT be cuter!

 He is not exactly thrilled about this.....
 Waiting patiently with mommy
 "I like the box, mommy!"
 Miss Jamie fitting his glasses.
 I love him!

 We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Doug afterward and Grandma had a special snack for my sweet boy...his favorite, chocolate Teddy Grahams! While we were there I showed him pictures of me when I was younger with my glasses. He was quite intrigued.
When we got home, he asked me if I would wear my glasses so I could be like him. Of course I obliged! I will wear them whenever he wants me to!

He is not necessarily a fan of them quite yet but is doing SO good with them already.The opthamologist said that he may need some breaks during the day for a while, but we will just see how it goes!

I am so proud of my boy... praying that these glasses will not be a life long thing but knowing if they are it all will be fine!

Let this new adventure begin!!


Melinda said...

He LOOKS fabulous! He IS fabulous! He will BE fabulous! He is made by a FABULOUS and loving God, knit together and custom-made by the Father. He is made in Their image. He has been PLACED in the family of God's choosing. His eyes are fixed on God and he is being taught the ways of the Lord. There is nothing wrong with eyes fixed on God. That's the best vision there is!

Laura said...

Oh honey...we have walked that same path...he will adjust, and those glasses will break again and again and eventually it will be so natural for him to wear them. Praying for a smooth few days!

Auntie Bobbie said...

Oh Darlin, I got my glasses when I was six. I used to sit 2 feet from the television to see it! My eyesight declined over the years from there. I hated my glasses growing up, but back then there wasn't many six year olds with thin k glasses! Amazingly, last year I had cater acts, and now at nearly 60 I can see perfect! He is adorable, and now in his generation, it's much more co on for glasses to be worn for little ones. I remember you so well in your glasses when you were little. You marched on with your life without missing a step. You are both great parents, and the support you will give him will the support he needs to not let them slow him down. Love you sweetheart!