Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Matthew's First Day of School (Ever!)

When I heard that our fine state was going to make full-day kindergarten mandatory the year Matthew started kindy (yes, MANDATORY.. don't even get me started... so not happy about this!) , I knew we both would need to get used to the idea of being apart from one another BEFORE it was 6.5 hours a day. We didn't send Evelyn to preschool for a myriad of reasons, and for the above and other reasons, we decided to enroll Matthew in preschool this year. 2.5 hours a day.. just  like half day kindy.. for us to get started on the "separation" process.

Matthew has been SO SO excited to start preschool and "play and make friends", frequently asking how many more days until school starts. I actually was excited too, knowing that HE was excited and already knowing that 2.5 hours was do-able for my sappy momma heart. Last Thursday we went to orientation and met his teacher and classmates, which he thoroughly enjoyed. Then, sadly, yesterday.. he lost it. "I don't want to go to school!! I want to be home with you!!" We both had a good cry and worked through that... but I was a bit nervous about how he would do today. Thankfully, my worries were unwarranted!

He woke up excited and ready to go. Doug took the day off so we both could take him and pick him up. I wanted to take some pictures before we left.. he just wanted to GO!!

He is growing up before my eyes....
...but he will ALWAYS be my baby! :)

He was so happy and proud to get to go to school with daddy! :)

Waiting patiently to go in...

The goodbye was quick, as his teacher, Mrs. Goff, had requested. I hugged him tight, prayed a quick prayer of blessing in his ear, and off he went to go play. I may have made it to the door without crying, but in reality probably not! :)

I know I will enjoy the "free time" I will have, but man, today I wanted 11:30 to get here quickly so I could see his face again. Thankfully Doug was home and was good company and a good distraction, and soon enough it was time to pick him up.

He was all smiles and happy to see up when we got him. He said his day was "good" and his favorite part was recess (of course). He also said he was excited to go back tomorrow... a good sign! :)

We took him out to lunch at Five Guys for a treat and had a fun time just the three of us.
I missed that face!

Happy BIG boy!

I think he is going to have a great year, learn lots of things, and grow more into the little man God wants him to be. I hope to be able to drop him off without crying... someday! :) I am so thankful for this preschooler... he is such a special boy. 

Preschool... let's do this!

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