Friday, December 29, 2017

Celiac Disease

Evelyn has been having some tummy troubles off and on over the past couple of years. Nothing awful, but nothing seemed to help. Her pain amped up a lot before Thanksgiving so I took her to the doctor. After drawing labs we found her "celiac marker", the lab that tests for Celiac Disease, was super high. Normal is below 20, hers was over 200!! At this point it was pretty clear she had the disease but we still needed to see a GI doc and have a small intestine biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

My sweet girl waking up from her biopsy, happy and doing great. The biopsy indeed showed celiac and a very inflamed intestine. I feel so awful for waiting so long to get her tummy issues checked out,but the doctor reassured me that this is common. Still tho... I feel bad she's had such a angry tummy for so long!

I am so proud of Evelyn. She has taken this in stride and knows that even tho it means big changes for her... for all of us.. it will help her feel better. She has been looking at labels already and has done some research online as well.  I love that she is owning this as her own and wants to be involved with getting herself healthy. 

It indeed will be a huge change, but I am praying that it will only be a positive thing for Evelyn and that her health only improves!

Bye Bye Gluten!!

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