Saturday, June 12, 2010

June is here!!

And that means my boy is 6 months old!! Time flies... I look back at pictures from when Matthew was born and think, where did that little baby go? At his 6 month appointment he weighed 19lbs and was 28.5 inches long. Evelyn at the same age was only 14 pounds, but similar length. No wonder my back hurts and my arms are getting buff!!

The reason for his size? The boy LOVES to eat!

He gets so excited when you put him in his chair.. he knows he gets some good stuff!

Evelyn likes to help....

He still nurses a TON and eats solids 2-3 times a day. Since I didn't nurse Evelyn and was on a pretty strict bottle schedule with her, I am not quite sure how to start "dropping" feeds during the day. We have dropped to one night feed, but the day thing still is hard... mostly because I am such a schedule driven person. If I drop a feed.. how will that affect the rest of the day....etc. Weird I know.. its just me. I am sure we'll figure it out. I am much better and trial and error with this one!

He has discovered sleeping on his back, which is fine. The bad thing is that he still hasn't mastered the "flipping back over" thing. I think he would sleep all night (or at least not need me to get up with him) if he could go back and forth. Doug was a back sleeper til his back couldn't take it anymore, so it comes naturally!

Speaking of Daddy... Matthew loves it when Doug lays him on his lap like this and sings the "Napa Know-How" song from the Napa Auto Parts commercial. For real.. he loves it! This was taken at Grandma's house.

Trying on daddy's hat...

The drool.... wow, the drool. This kid is a constant drool maker!! I hope it gets better once he gets teeth (I think he is gonna get a lot at once.. we can feel quite a few beneath the gums). My laundry is increasing as his drooling continues!!

He already loves Jody... and what's not to love? Smile...

Evelyn.. she is just so pickin' cute, too. She has been asking A LOT of questions about God, Jesus and other people in the bible. Good ones like "Why did God...?" and "So if Jesus died... how can he be here?" Doug is SO great at answering those.. he just can explain it on her level better than I can. Then there are the silly questions, "Why did God make boogers?"and so on.I pray that she can grow her faith as she seeks answers to these questions... cuz God DID make boogers, ya know... and for a very good reason!! HeeeHeee!

We just love her to bits...

God's beauty...


She dresses herself now.. and there are many outfit changes during the day, too! This is one of her creations. Gotta love her!

It was so great to have the sun come out today.. and it is supposed to be her for the whole week. Enjoy!


Courtney said...

He is such a cutie! LOVE, LOVE that age!

abby said...

Miss you guys, can't wait to see you again soon! xo