Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Here Chicky, Chicky

Part of the kindergarten curriculum is learning about life cycles of different things, like butterflies, worms, plants, and chickens!! There have been chicken eggs incubating in Matthew's classroom for weeks now and over Memorial Day weekend they started to hatch!! We had the fun opportunity to take two of the baby chicks home for a night. My only hope was that they would survive... and thankfully they did!

After we got them home yesterday afternoon, our neighbors came over to hang out with them. Cannon is in Matthew's class. The chicks weren't necessarily fans of being held so we kept the playtime short! :)
This is their home at our home. They tend to stick close together.. almost folding each other. while in there. It's pretty cute!

Matthew and Evelyn named them "Yawner"(because they look like they are yawning when they eat and drink) and "Roost" (because we think it really is a rooster!). They were so good with them and got them all settled at night before they headed for bed themselves. 

Don't worry, we put Naomi in the basement and she truly had no idea they were even in the house. She did perk up when she would hear them chirp but never really even investigated. I am thankful for that! 
The chicks were alive in the morning (phew!) and we got them back to school without incident. Thankful for the opportunity to keep them and also thankful to bring them back!!

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