That is just so hard to fathom.
My sweet boy, you are such a delight.
You main job right now (besides being cute!) is mastering moving on your feet. You still stumble quite a bit, mostly because you want to go super fast and get ahead of yourself, but you are quick to get right back up and try again. I am sure you will be running in no time.
One other main job of yours is keeping us on our toes. Really, sweetie, we can't leave you alone for ONE moment without fear of what kind of mischief you will get into. We call you "Mr. Damage"!! You love to pull books off shelves, get into any drawer and go into any room that isn't locked (the number of unlocked drawers and open doors in the house is getting smaller!), and you love to throw toys out of your toy box like a hurricane. Your newest trick is to hang on the oven door, lift your legs up and laugh as the door comes down. This does not please me.. just so you know! You are a climber.. now able to get on the couch, the kids chairs, and any stool by yourself. These things are a bit frightening for mommy, but I love your sense of adventure and curiosity. I am just glad I had you second... :)
At the same time, you do have those calmer moments when you will sit and look at your books (while we pray you don't tear pages out of the non-board ones!). You still love to sit and play with shoes and love to put on jackets. That makes us laugh.. you are so funny! You love to look at your animal quilt and have us say the sounds each animal makes. You enjoy looking at the pictures on the wall and have us tell you who is in them. You love to stand and just stare out the window at the world around you, taking it all in. I love rocking you at bedtime, how you just snuggle into me with your blanket and want me to sing to you. Those peaceful moments are ones that I cherish.
You are Evelyn's #1 fan.. your love for her is obvious.. although I am not quite sure if you love her or love her things more! It is impossible to keep you out of her toys.. you get the biggest grin on your face when you succeed in getting something of hers to play with. You love to pull her hair and hit her with toys. That isn't good, but we (even your sister) think it is your way of telling her you love her. We need to find some other ways to show her love, tho, buddy. Just sayin'....
You still love to eat. You are getting pickier, however, and I am trying to not let that get to me. You really don't like it when I cut things up for you.. but you really are too small to eat a whole apple, sweetie. Sorry.. chocking is not fun. Trust me! I am getting braver, tho. and maybe this weekend I will let you try to eat a half a piece of cheese pizza instead of cutting it up. Maybe...
You sleep well for the most part, and I can't tell you how thankful we are for that. You nap for at least 2 hours a day and then sleep for usually 11-12 hours at night. You still wake up occasionally.. I wish we knew why.. but its pretty rare that we have a "bad" night with you. Thank you for that, Matthew.. thank you!
I know it will come in time, but oh how I wish you could talk!! You understand so much.. yet you only have a few words. "Da" is yes, "Dadda" and "Momma" are clear.. but that's about it. You get frustrated when you want/need something and we can't figure out what that is. We'll get there, baby.. just keep on growing and learning. It will come.
You absolutely light up any room you are in... as long as mommy or daddy are there with you! We're going thru the whole separation anxiety thing with you right now but we are confident we you will conquer this as well! You will wave at anyone..even if they don't see you.. and are quite the flirt with the ladies.You get so excited about things.. squealing and the like. You love to listen to music and dance, especially with daddy.
Your laugh in contagious, your smile is infectious, your love of life is hard to beat.
We love you son.. and the 15 months we have had with you so far. Our lives would not be the same without you!!
1 comment:
Beautiful! He is wonderful! What an honor and delight it is to share a home with children, isn't it?
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