He wakes in the morning about 7am. He is a good sleeper, 12 hours and night plus a 2 hour nap. He is like his daddy in that it takes him a while to wake up (unlike his sister, who, like me, is ready to go once her eyes are open!). He usually will ask for one of two things: "Dadda?", wondering if Doug is home. If he is home and still asleep, Matthew will put a finger to his mouth and says the sweetest and quietest "shhhh".. it really is the cutest thing that comes out of his mouth! Or "Mi Mo?" meaning "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse", his FAVORITE show. The kids watch one show a day, and the smile that comes to my son's face when he sees that famous mouse is pretty huge!
After a show its breakfast time, where oatmeal, bananas or cereal are his top choices. He always asks if something is "haaaaaaa" (hot) and will still blow on it even if you say it isn't. Silly boy. He uses a spoon and fork very well now and does NOT like his food cut up. He wants to do it himself!! Lately he has been boycotting lunch and dinner foods that he has usually eaten without a fuss. Like chicken, corn, even some breads... crazy kid! Truly, though, if he could live on fruit, oatmeal, granola bard, pizza and hot dogs, he would be happy! We are working on that.... *sigh*
Between meals, he is all about his toys, being a monkey, and books. He LOVES his "diggers", fire trucks and hot wheels cars and I love the noises he makes for each separate one. He is starting to get into leggos and even some pretend play with our play "food" (he and Evelyn play "restaurant" a lot). He loves to read books, especially "Hot Rod" magazine (seriously) and sometimes will go into his room, close the door and read. Of course, usually he will fill his pants during that time (he prefers privacy apparently) which makes for a lovely surprise when I go check on him. He simply adores his "sissy" and wants to play with her as much as possible. Whatever she is playing with, he wants to join in, at times to her dismay!
Matthew is my active child, but at a level that I can handle (thank you, Jesus!)! He loves to run, climb, jump and tumble. He loves being outside, finding sticks and taking in the fresh air. Give this boy a soccer ball and he will kick it around the yard with pretty good skill. He likes to play basketball, too. He can be a maniac on his trike... seriously, the faster he can make that thing go, the better (I think this activity will give me the most gray hair...haha). I have a feeling he will be my athlete!
Unlike his sister, who was speaking clear, full sentences at 18 months of age, Matthew isn't talking a bunch yet. He has come a LONG way the past few months, though! He is smart and knows exactly what you are asking/talking about, tho. I love it when you are taking to him and he shakes his head when he understands.. its pretty cute. He does have plenty to say.. he just uses his own language. Thankfully we have learned how to decipher his "code" and can understand him. I am sure he will be talking our ears off in no time!
Matthew is the happiest, kindest, sweetest soul, who already shows love to those around him. He is social, and is more than willing to give you "knuckles" or a high five. He is quick to give you a hug if you are sad, and is such a good sharer. I love how he just grabs your hand and leads you to go play or snuggle. Gosh, he is just so sweet.. I can't even find words to describe it. He is gonna be just like his daddy: kind, caring, and one who serves. I love that! He loves his mommy and daddy, that's for sure, and likes to know where we are at all times. And his sister is the apple of his eye.. he really loves her so much! We have had some pretty severe separation "issues" this year, but the past 2 months we have conquered those and we are so thankful for that!
That's my two year old in a (kind of rambly) nutshell! We know God has big plans for our boy!
I'll end with a look back....
Happy Birthday, son... you are a treasure worth more than gold!! We love you, Matthew!
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