Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Training

Yesterday Jody hung out with us and we went on a walk to enjoy the beautiful weather. We stopped by the baseball field near us and Jody gave Evelyn a quick lesson. You need to click on the pics to really see Evelyn's expressions.. they are pretty cute! And yes, she is in a pink skirt.. I can't get her to wear pants or shorts these days.. but that's another blog post!!!

Batter Up....

Heading to first base...

... and rounding First

Heading to second...

Rounding third....

..... and HOME!

Ending with a high-five!

They ran the bases I think 3 times before Evelyn, out of breath, said, "I'm done, Jody...!" She had fun, tho!

I must add that Jody walked to our house (about a mile away from hers) and did all this with Evelyn AFTER running I think 10 miles earlier in the day. She is a rock star.. and an amazing friend.

We love you Jody... you're the best!

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